Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Better Days

My buried framing table

The infamous shelving


I have had better days. Yesterday a friend enquired as to where my blog might be… Well, I had forgotten all about it. She had found me in the midst of a bit of a funk. The morning had not gone well. I had planned on framing a few watercolours and beginning the last in the series… So close to being done! Yes… One of the first things I looked for was the board upon which I install my paintings in order to take a photo reference. I found it. Behind many canvases and boards, it was stuck fast. All I had to do was move some into the storage unit and voilĂ ! Easy, yes? Yes. Things deteriorated after that. So in order to frame my paintings I needed the frames. Most of them have images in them which I just pull out in order to reuse the framing. Ah yes, under another pile of canvases… Easy, yes? No. I moved the canvases into their designated slots and found out the shelves I had installed were a half-inch too low. The top shelving (under construction on roof of the storage unit) was also too small. There was a choice: I could either move the shelves up half an inch to accommodate the canvases or move them up two inches to fit for the framed glass. I decided the former was more efficient. Having moved the shelves I discovered I could only load three of the framed pieces into the upper portion because the two-by-four supporting the storage unit roof was too low. Sigh. Taking the jigsaw, the hand saw and a drill I removed three-quarters of an inch from the two-by-fours in two sections so the watercolours would slide in easily. By this time I was thoroughly frustrated and quite beyond any creative activity. I spent the afternoon installing flooring in the roof of my studio for storage. My watercolour sheet and all my paints are now covered in sawdust. A job for tomorrow. Life is still good.

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