Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Colours

Fall has been a long-time favorite season of mine. The colours are truly exceptional this year. As the coolness in the air increases the pathways and byways become increasingly littered in drifts of gold leaf, heaped and sprinkled. The tree across the street caught my eye this morning as the sun played patchwork with the branches and the leaf groupings. There are so many possible compositions creating numerous ambiances. Part of the difference lays in the lines the trunks of the trees make. There is a certain dynamic in simple lines. Should we put a line across the page horizontally we create a notion of peace. Perhaps it is a reference to still waters or open fields which are always horizontal. Straight up and down reminds us of trees or fence posts. It takes more energy to remain standing than laying down. Using a diagonal stance creates the most active line. The tree is falling. Diagonals feel like they are moving. Action comics use a lot of diagonal lines when battles are being waged. So of the two photos taken from the same tree which one feels more stable? Which one feels more like dancing? Which one do you prefer? Life is so good.   

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