Monday, April 20, 2015


Competition usually means winners and losers. Our society seems to base the measurement of success on this concept of either/or, black/white, win/lose, survival of the fittest so to speak. It is how our politics, our economics and our religions for the most part function much to the detriment of our world on so many levels. There are pockets of cooperation emerging in the scientific and spiritual realms though and this is good news. Another arena of cooperation is found in the artistic world. Generally speaking artists love to share and to help each other along the way. Take the latest “Artist for the Year” competition put on by Pardee Art Trends Gallery. Several of us were voting for each other’s work, pushing the numbers up and encouraging a spirit of camaraderie. We laughed, we cried, we so enjoyed the ride. This is the kind of world in which I choose to live: one in which all people win. What a concept! And, yes, while only a few came out with a monetary prize, the rest of us found joy in what we do and how we live. Life is good.

The results: Pardee took the site down before I could get an idea of who won. I believe I came in about ninth. For more accurate statistics we will have to wait for 20th June when Art in the Park opens.

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