Monday, May 11, 2015

Perfect Weather

I am truly thankful for camera dating. The sixth of May. Living in Alberta, the occurrence of snow in May is not that unusual. Moisture is always appreciated too. We were just hoping for a different form; a nice warm rain would have done. I, however, wanted warm dry weather. I had requested perfect weather for the ninth of May sometime in April. We were celebrating. It had been a long time, about four years, since we had celebrated “Raclette” as a family. “Raclette” used to be a yearly event. The plan was to gather in the neighbourhood of twenty people around the fire pit to share this special, traditional Swiss meal. It is basically wine and cheese with a few embellishments thrown in, such as homemade pâté. Our little abode would be somewhat cramped with that many people inside it. So as I gazed upon the new white blanket I wondered how we were going to manage. For some reason I did not panic and went about the business of preparing lesson plans for the two schools with which I am working. We would see. After all there were a whole six days before the event. As it turned out, the snow actually made it possible for one couple to come, he being a farmer. The fields were too wet. The evening of our get together happened to be sunny, delightfully warm and snowless. Perfect weather indeed! Life is good.

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