Monday, June 15, 2015


O.K. My life is a little hectic at the moment. I finished teaching at one school on Friday, the evaluations are complete and we are meeting on Thursday morning to close my assignment. One down. The other school  had a “flip day” so I did not receive the work due. Not sure when I will but the evaluations will be completed before the 24th when the report card entries must be done or they will not be entered at all. On hold. The marriage reception arrangements are coming along and the committee (me, my daughter-in-law and my two daughters) is meeting tomorrow night to further the advancement. A new item has been added to the list: BBQ baked beans. Having never made these before I am so grateful for friends in the know! Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe! Yes. The major commitment in the present moment (besides my blog!) is an upcoming deadline for Wednesday: a submission for a mural at a local library. Submissions are precise documents. No two are exactly alike. This one requires references so I have emailed and phoned a number of people today to determine whether or not they wish to be cited. The bio and the statements were no problem, copy/paste. The curriculum vitae was the same. The budget is another matter. Materials are expensive. The enquiry about insurance and permits has not been answered. The number of screws has been estimated. My online searching for prices has yielded few results. There is still tomorrow. Oh, yes. The little matter of writing up a proposal with visual references and putting a few images of what I have done in the past in the mix is in the offing. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Mostly it will be drawing…. Heaven! Life is good.

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