Monday, July 6, 2015

The Latest Medium

 Catering for a wedding involves a lot of planning. Most of the food cannot be prepared ahead of time. The cake is one of the exceptions so this was the first thing on the agenda for the wedding. I baked it on Monday. No eggs, no ordinary flour and no dairy. Thank God for gluten free cake mixes. Nine mixes later I had a thirteen by twenty inch cake. That is the size of my fridge freezer. Unfortunately, once the cake was made I realized I could not open the door sufficiently to slide the cake into the empty space... I sent it home with my daughter, my other daughter! Tuesday I iced the cake and the leftover bit which would be a bit of a joke on the bride. I had pots of various tonal values and food colouring all over my workspace. Using three photos, one for my daughter's smile, one for the groom's eyes and the other for their cozy embrace I managed a fair portrait of the two of them. The wedding took place on Saturday and the temporary work of art is all but consumed. Such is life. So good!

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