Monday, August 24, 2015

After Frame

Some artists wonder what to do with a drawing or painting after it has been taken out of the frame. With watercolours and mark making it is a frequent occurrence. I am in the midst of preparing my own work for exposition without a frame. The local hardware store is questioning my sanity as I purchase quantities of shrink wrap (used for insulating leaky windows). Perhaps it would be better to get new windows…. The pieces I am enclosing in plastic are quite large so I purchase the largest roll which happens to be just the correct width for the length of the matted work. Once cut I remove the artwork and open the folded plastic then replace the art face down so that the messy taping is done on the back. Using clear packaging tape I draw the plastic as tight as possible without creating too many wrinkles then I begin to blow dry it. The heat from the hair dryer causes the plastic to shrink. This takes quite a while as I begin at the edges under the tape where most of the sheet is gathered. After it has been tightened to my satisfaction on the back I turn it over and again work from the edges into the centre. I now have a substantial inventory to display in a rack rather than on the walls. Things are coming together. Life is good.   

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