Monday, August 10, 2015

Highway to Heaven

Earlier this summer we had an opportunity to buy some cement blocks for very little money, twenty-four of them. Personally I had lost hope of actually placing them from the back step to the door of my studio but they ended up being in the way of another pressing project: re-staining the fence. Since they needed to be moved we decided to throw them down on the ground in hopes they would be more or less level and that would give us an easier path to shovel this winter. You can see the recycled electrical cord being used as a sketching tool. Twenty-four is not enough quite. We are planning a patio too, sometime in the future, so we definitely could use some more. The planks of wood we have been using to keep us out of the mud do provide a wide entrance way to the back step and I am happy for now. My wonderful husband who helped me place the slabs looked out the kitchen window and suggested we had built a highway to heaven. My heaven. I am such a lucky woman. Life is so good.

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